Follow the Leader
Bible Text: John 13:1–17, 31b–35 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: The Suffering Savior | Something feels not right today. On the day that our Lord instituted the new covenant in his blood, we do not get to partake in his body and blood. And yet even though we have been stopped from gathering together to eat and drink for the moment, nothing will stop him from sacrificing his body and shedding his blood for the forgiveness of all of our sins. Today affords us a special opportunity to look at the other event that happens on Maundy Thursday, Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. What a strange reversal that was. The master takes the lowest position possible and serves his servants. This is the pattern of Jesus’ whole life, even his very incarnation. The Son of God had all authority in heaven, and he emptied himself taking on the form of a servant, the form of man, dying on the cross for those who served him. This foot-washing is only the tip of the iceberg.