Bible Classes & Sunday School
Sunday Morning & Weekday Bible Classes
Join us for Sunday Bible Study & Sunday School each week at 9:30 am!

On Sunday mornings, monthly topical Bible Studies meet either in the fellowship hall or in the West Conference Room/Library at 9:30am. Topics and leaders change on a monthly basis. Check the bulletin and slide announcements for the most up to date information!

Preschool through 5th Grade have individual classes. Everyone meets in the Sanctuary for an opening.
Jr High (6th-8th Grades) meets in East Conference Room, which is located upstairs off the Ministry Center.
Sr High (9th-12th Grades) meets in the Youth Room at the church.

Pericopes Bible Study: Join us for a Bible class at 9 am on Tuesdays in the West Conference Room. This study looks at the pericopes (a.k.a.the Bible readings) for next Sunday’s worship.
For more information regarding any of the above listed studies,
please contact the church office at 618-377-8314.