June 28, 2020
Bible Text: Matt 10:34-42 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: Pentecost | In today’s reading we get a little taste of Christmas. Jesus talks about peace. Maybe you think…
Bible Text: Acts 2:14a, 22–36 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: Trinity Sunday | The feast of the Holy Trinity is about the one true God who has revealed…
Bible Text: John 20:19–31 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: Encounters with Jesus | Today is national pick on St. Thomas Day. We all pick on the guy who…
Bible Text: John 13:1–17, 31b–35 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: The Suffering Savior | Something feels not right today. On the day that our Lord instituted the new…
Bible Text: Isaiah 53:6 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: The Suffering Savior | In our passage for today (Isaiah 53:6) we hear that “We all like sheep have…