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Bible Text: John 20:19–31 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: Encounters with Jesus | Today is national pick on St. Thomas Day. We all pick on the guy who didn’t believe that Jesus was risen, the one who doubted. He is the example of what not to do. He didn’t trust the words of his friends. But I think we shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Look at the other apostles. When Mary came to them and said, I have seen the Lord, what is their response but to lock themselves in a room because they were afraid of the Jews. And so Jesus appears to them. And so Jesus appears to Thomas. But what about you and me? It seems like Jesus doesn’t appear to us, when we need him to. But he does, the beauty of our resurrected Lord is that he becomes physically present with us so often. He gave Thomas something to touch, his very body. And he gives you something to touch too, his very body. Like Thomas we have touched and we have believed. LSB 629 vs 4 “Yet is God here? Oh, yes! By Word and promise clear, in mouth and soul he makes us whole– Christ, truly present in this meal. O taste and see– the Lord is real.” I look forward to the day when I see you all and Jesus again at his table.