January 12, 2020

Jesus’ Baptism: The Complete Answer

Passage: Matt 3:13-17
The First Sunday after the Epiphany takes us in the mind and heart to the Jordan River, where Jesus is baptized. This day, observed each year in the Church, is a reminder of the important of Baptism in the life of every Christian, for it is in dying with Christ through Baptism that we are born anew to eternal life. Although we may have not been baptized in the river Jordan, we share with our Lord the experience of being baptized. Through Baptism, we are connected to Christ and given a whole new way of living for time and for eternity. "But I am baptized!", Martin Luther would exclaim when life situations seemed overwhelming. Knowing that we live daily in baptismal grace makes the difference in our lives as well.

Bible Text: Matt 3:13-17 | Pastor: Pastor Kale Hanson | Series: Christian Life


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