The Ordinary made Extaordinary by the Holy Spirit
Bible Text: Acts 2 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: Pentecost | Once every blue moon, Pentecost falls on the same day of the Feast of the Visitation, May 31. This
celebration in the church year commemorates the day that the virgin Mary, pregnant with Jesus, visited her cousin Elizabeth who was also pregnant by a miracle of God. It is fitting that we celebrate these two high holidays together, because we see the Holy Spirit at work in both. John recognizes the Messiah from the womb, and Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit, just as the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. From the start of the story to the end, the Holy Spirit has and will continue to do his important work, and his job is not over yet. He continues to fill his people, granting faith and enabling them
to live holy lives in service to him and others. Come, Holy Spirit!