Plans of Men…
Bible Text: 2 Samuel 7:1-16 | Pastor: Vicar Benjamin Hayter | Series: Family: It’s Complicated | God always wants to be really and truly present with his people. He wants to be physically with them. He went before his people Israel in a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire. He was there. His presence rested on the ark of the covenant and in the tabernacle. He was there. He then resided in the temple that Solomon, David’s son build. He was there. This was a huge thing that made God’s people of old so special. They had a God who was actually with the. It didn’t seem to last forever though. The ark of the covenant was lost. The temple was destroyed. It would have seemed like God abandoned his people. But in the fullness of time God came down to us in human form. That is what we celebrate today; the fact that our God is still a God that is truly present with his people. And even though our Lord is risen and ascended we can still claim we have the physical presence of God with us. Jesus comes to us when we hear his Word and partake in his Sacraments. In this place Jesus is truly present for you.