United In Mission III Pledges
Dear Zion Member,
United in Mission continues to be an important focus of our church. This is the campaign that built our Ministry Center and in this next phase we focus on maintaining these amazing facilities with which God has blessed us. This phase of the campaign is United in Mission: The Mission Continues.
Our volunteers have done incredible work in maintaining our facilities that we might be good stewards of the gifts God has given our congregation. The time is now coming for larger scale maintenance projects to our buildings and the systems within them. With that in mind, we began our stewardship campaign January 30 & 31, and our goal is to complete the required maintenance in five years. Any time a church begins a long journey like this one together, we gather around God’s Word, and we join together in prayer.
I’m asking Zion members to commit to supporting the church in prayer throughout this stewardship campaign, and to supporting the effort financially as you are able. Below, you will see various examples of how you could support United in Mission financially. Pledges are important as they allow the committee to plan and time maintenance based on pledged amounts. Rest assured, your pledge information will be handled confidentially. Only those who are already involved in recording giving will see pledge amounts and donation amounts that go toward the pledges. The UIM III committee will follow up with people based only on trend information.
Whether or not you are able to commit to a monetary gift, please consider committing to prayerful support by writing “prayer” in the blank labeled “Other.” Please fill out this commitment by February 14th. Your commitment to prayerful and financial support is key to the success of United in Mission and provides a place where the Gospel is shared.
Thank you in advance for your support of your church!
In Christ,
Rev. Kale Hanson, Senior Pastor