Welcome to Zion

Thank you for your interest in Zion Lutheran Bethalto

What should I expect?
As with visiting any new place, visiting a new church for the first time can cause a lot of anxiety: What time are the church services? What should I wear? Where do I park? What is service going to be like?

Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

When are the Service Times?

Zion has three options for weekend worship. The Saturday service is at 5 pm and Sunday services are at 8:15 am and 10:45 am.

Where should I park?

Zion’s main parking lot is located on the east side of the church with additional parking on the north side (between the church and school) and the west side. While there are two visitor parking spaces on the east side, you are welcome to park wherever you like.

Where do I go after I arrive?

You can access the church through the ministry center from either the west or east parking lot at entrance 1 or 2. Entering through the east entrance, you will proceed through the hallway and turn to your left towards the sanctuary. Entering through the west entrance, you will proceed down the hallway and turn to your right towards the sanctuary. Be sure to stop by the information desk located on the southwest side of the ministry center (next to the large window). Our restrooms are located on the west side of the ministry center next to the display case.

Is there handicap accessibility?

Yes, our sanctuary and ministry center are on a single level and are therefore wheelchair accessible. An usher or greeter can help you find the wheelchair area in our sanctuary for seating. Also, devices for the hearing impaired are available, just ask an usher or greeter and they will obtain one for you. An elevator is available next to the kitchen area on the east side of the ministry center which can take you to the basement for special events and where some of our adult Bible classes are held.

What should I wear?

You might wonder how you are expected to dress at a church you’ve never visited before. Since the Bible presents no dress code, except for simple decency and Christian humility, Zion doesn’t make any rules either. On any weekend at our church you may see running shoes and heels, jeans and suits, open collars and ties. When a person dresses out of love for his or her Lord, the choice of dress, be it casual or more formal, is acceptable to God . . . and us.

What can I expect of the church service?

The church services at Zion come in a variety of forms but all are based on liturgical traditions of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

Our Saturday and Sunday 8:15 am service are more traditional in that it follows the divine service format from the Lutheran Service Book.

Our Sunday 10:45 am service includes contemporary praise music along with the traditional elements of a Lutheran service.

The liturgy or responsive readings; hymns or songs; Scripture readings, prayers and creeds will be displayed on the screens durning the service. For the traditional service, some of our members prefer to use the Lutheran Service Book located in the pews for the liturgy and hymns. You will be offered an order of worship by the ushers when you enter the sanctuary which will give an order of the service along with additional information about the service. After the sermon, the children are invited to go to the altar area for a children’s sermon.

What can I expect from the sermon?

A sermon is the proclamation of Jesus’ death and resurrection and the application of that message for you as you live your life in this world surrounded and saturated by sin and death. Since there are different readings each week, each sermon is different. Consequently, we cannot tell you specifically how the pastor will proclaim Christ crucified and risen for you from week to week. However, in order to help you get the most out of the weekly sermon check out the following link which will further explain what you will hear as well as guide you in how to listen to a sermon.

What about the offering?

God’s Word teaches that our offerings to God should reflect our belief that all we have is his gift to us. It teaches us that with our offerings we worship and honor God.

Like most Christians, our members bring offerings to God through their church. Since offerings are gifts of love for God, no one dictates what each person is to give. These offerings give them the opportunity to not only show love to Christ, but also to support the work of our congregation as we bring the Good News of Christ’s love to more people.

As our guest, we will not expect you to contribute an offering, nor do we want to pressure you into doing so. You may wish to learn more about our ministry before bringing your offerings to God through our church, but you are welcome to participate as your heart leads you to give.

What else happens on Sunday Morning?

In between our two Sunday morning services, starting at 9:30 am, Zion offers an education time for children, youth and adults.